Home > For Researchers > Organization > A01:Direct imaging and spectroscopy of gas giant and detection for terrestrial planet
A01:Direct imaging and spectroscopy of gas giant and detection for terrestrial planet
Representative Researcher
Specialty: observational astronomy
Share: coordinating areas and research plan
Assigning Researchers
Specialty: observational astronomy
Share: supervision of development of a high contrast infrared spectromete
Specialty: observational astronomy
Share: development of high contrast equipment
Specialty: extrasolar planet and galactic structure
Share: gravitational lens observation
Specialty: Interstellar physics
Share: office work for the areas and assistant of coordinating areas and research plan
Specialty: observational astronomy
Share: high contrast infrared spectrometer
Cooperating Researchers
Specialty: cosmophysics
Share: planning observation
Specialty: extrasolar planet
Share: exploration of indirect observing for terrestrial planet
Specialty: infrared astronomy
Share: planet spectroscopy data interpretation
Specialty: infrared astronomy
Share: infrared observation of icy dust
Specialty: infrared astronomy Share: development of a high contrast infrared spectrometer
Research Objectives
We conduct direct imaging of the gas planets which are close to fixed stars (1-40AU). By using Doppler spectroscopy, the transit method, and gravitational micro-lensing, we are able to detect extrasolar planets, and we aim especially to detect one solar mass star in the habitable zone. By using adaptive optics or coronagraph with the world’s top technique, we develop a high-contrast infrared spectrometer to conduct direct spectroscopy to the atmospheres of extrasolar planets or the dwarf galaxies, which are low-temperature planets, to understand the characteristics of extrasolar planets (called characterization). With a strong link between the theories of planet formation and the theories of planetary atmospheres by the other research planning teams A02 and B02, we can compare and analyze the observation results to understand the origin of a variety of extrasolar planets.