The Mid-Infrared Imager Spectrometer Coronagraph (MISC)
for Origins Space Telescope (OST)

version 2018.9.5 (Itsuki Sakon)

Presentation Files

Presentation at "From First Stars to Life: Science with the Origins Space Telescope"
4-7 September 2018, Oxford, UK, 2018
"The mid-infrared Spectrometer and Camera (MISC) Instrument for the Origins Space telescope (OST)" ; PDF

Presentation at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation
Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, USA, 12th June 2018
"The mid-infrared imager, spectrometer, coronagraph (MISC) for the Origins Space telescope (OST)" ; PDF

Presentation at Instrument Meeting Telecon on 6 June 2018 (MISC presentation; PDF)

OST STDT F2F Meeting on 15-16 May 2018 (MISC presentation; PDF)


Pointing Requirements for Concept 2 MISC (version 2018.04.18; PDF)

Fact Sheet of Concept 2 MISC (version 2018.07.13.; Excel)

Proceedings paper of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas, USA, 12th June 2018)
"The mid-infrared imager, spectrometer, coronagraph (MISC) for the Origins Space telescope (OST)" ; PDF

OST MISC/TRA estimated performance [prepared by T. Matsuo] (version 2018.08.30.; PDF, power point file)

Concept 2 Design of MISC (less capable than Concept 1)

1. Basic Concept

- Type of MIR Transit Spectrograph; Densified Pupil Spectrometer

2. Configuration

[1] MISC Wide Field Imager (WFI)
[2] MISC Transit Spectrometer (TRA)

3. Resources

Detectors (Assumptions)

- 3 x "Si:As 2kx2k Detector Array [30µm/pix]" for WFI-S1, WFI-S2, WFI-L
- 2 x "HgCdTe 2kx2k Detector Array (30K)" for TRA-S and TRA-M
- 1 x "Si:As 2kx2k Detector Array" for TRA-L

4. Block Diagram

4.1 [B-1] MISC Camera / Wide-Field Imager (WFI)

MISC no longer have Coronagraph capability

4.2 [B-2] MISC Transit Spectrometer (TRA)

5. Optical Design Model for Concept 2 MISC

Structure Model of MISC (updated on 12 August 2018)

[version.2018.08.12.] (!!Latest version!!);
CAD Data (MISC/WFI and MISC/TRA) and eDrawing data :
note. "" includes the follwoing three files;

Ray Tracing of MISC (updated on 25 July 2018)

[version.2018.07.25.] (!!Latest version!!);
Optical Data (MISC/WFI and MISC/TRA) :
MISC/WFI (CodeV Data)
MISC/WFI (CodeV Data; zip)
MISC/TRA (ZEMAX file; zip)
MISC/TRA (ZEMAX session file)

Ray Tracing of MISC/TRA [alternative version] (wave coverage: 2.8-20µm)

MISC/TRA (ZEMAX, ZEMAX session files; zip)